My SEO Style Guideline You Can TOTALLY Steal For Your Writers

Feel free to copy/paste this into your internal documents for your staff writers who might be new to SEO.

Esther Jordan
7 min readNov 21, 2022
seo, copy writer, copy writers, copy, content strategist, sem, search engine management, search engine manager, style guideline, style guideline for writing, style guideline for writers 2023, style guideline for copy writers 2023, style guideline for writers, writer, writers, writing 2023
Photo by Etienne Girardet on Unsplash

Here is a style guideline I created as generic copy for any small or large company to share with their team of writers. This is great to share with your co-workers or your team of copy…



Esther Jordan

Quantumplation. Legal writer. SEO marketer, copy writer & editor of 15 years. High fashion model. Former children and adult special-needs counselor. Risk taker.