Charlie Gets Killed! Supernatural S10E21
Supernatural spoiler alert!
WARNING: If Charlie comes back later in Supernatural DO NOT tell me. I will come after you! No spoilers in the comments!
Charlie gets killed! At least they gave us time to decompress before the season wraps up with two more episodes to go.
I never finished the Supernatural series beyond the first 2 or 3 seasons when it came out. I was traveling and didn’t own a television for many years. But these past couple of months I have been watching the series and, man, it feels like I’m watching a new show that’s still so relative. One of the tricks to creating a timeless series is using classic songs. The soundtrack does not disappoint!
Towards the end of Season 10, they incorporate a lot more folk music, which is awesome. I love all types, especially older music. I grew up in a conservative Christian home and my parents were very strict about letting us listen to new music. So, we grew up on Motown, 1950–60 boy bands, and some 70s rock and roll. I probably wouldn’t have discovered No Doubt and Nirvana around 1997/98 without the help of my heathen friend letting me listen to her CDs.
She wouldn’t let me borrow them though, because she was afraid my mom would burn them.